


This class defines the main nfd-file-input component functionality.
General usage, examples, and commentary is available


selector nfd-file-input
styleUrls file-input.component.css
templateUrl file-input.component.html



Optional comma-separated list specifying file extensions to allow

Type: string


Consumer-provided classes to apply to the container div


Optional max file size in bytes

Type: number



Emits an array of FileRejection
objects which specify the rejected file and the reason for rejection.

$event type: EventEmitter

Emits an array of files when the selection is changed or cleared

$event type: EventEmitter


selectFiles(filesToSelect: File[])

Adds to selectedFiles each valid provided file and rejects invalid files,
where validity is defined by whether the file conflicts with any
user-specified maxFileSize or allowedExtensions limitation.
For internal use by the component itself.

Parameters :
  • filesToSelect

    File array to iterate through for new Files to add

Returns: void
onChange(selectedFiles: File[])

Handles file selections from the file input by selecting
them within the component and clearing the input so that
the user can select more files if they'd like.
For internal use by the component itself.

Returns: void
Public clearSelection

Clears the file selection and emits selectionChanged
with an empty array

Returns: void
onDragEnter(event: any)

Handles the dragenter event by preventing the default action
and setting the dragging state to true.
For internal use by the component itself.

Returns: void
onDragLeave(event: any)

Handles the dragleave event by setting the dragging state to false.
For internal use by the component itself.

Returns: void
onDragOver(event: any)

Prevents the default action for the dragover event.
For internal use by the component itself.

Returns: void
onDrop(event: any)

Handles the drop event by cancelling the browser's
default action, setting the dragging state to
false, and selecting the eligible dropped files.
For internal use by the component itself.

Returns: void


Private _dragging
_dragging: boolean
Default value: false

Member variable which maintains the dragging state for internal use

Private _selectedFiles
_selectedFiles: File[]

Member variable which maintains the currently selected files for internal use

Public allowedExtensionsArray
allowedExtensionsArray: string[]

User-specified allowedExtensions as an array

Public Array
Array: ArrayConstructor
Default value: Array

Reference to the Array type so that we can use it in the template

Public dragging
dragging: boolean

Exposes whether the user is currently dragging a file over the component

fileInput: any

ViewChild handle used interally to clear the file input after
the user selects a file from it.

Public filesSelected
filesSelected: boolean

Tells whether or not any files are currently selected

Public selectedFiles
selectedFiles: File[]

The files which are currently selected

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { RejectionReasons } from '../models/rejection-reasons.model';
import { FileRejection } from '../models/file-rejection.model';

 * This class defines the main nfd-file-input component functionality.
 * General usage, examples, and commentary is available
 * [here](*/
  selector: 'nfd-file-input',
  templateUrl: './file-input.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./file-input.component.css']

export class FileInputComponent {
  /**Optional comma-separated list specifying file extensions to allow*/
  @Input() allowedExtensions: string;
  /**Optional max file size in bytes*/
  @Input() maxFileSize: number;
  /**Consumer-provided classes to apply to the container div */
  @Input() containerDivClass = '';
  /**Emits an array of files when the selection is changed or cleared*/
  @Output() selectionChanged = new EventEmitter<File[]>();
  /**Emits an array of [FileRejection](
   * objects which specify the rejected file and the reason for rejection.*/
  @Output() filesRejected = new EventEmitter<FileRejection[]>();
  /**ViewChild handle used interally to clear the file input after
   * the user selects a file from it.*/
  @ViewChild('fileInput', { static: true }) fileInput;
  /**Reference to the Array type so that we can use it in the template
  public Array = Array;
  /**Member variable which maintains the currently selected files for internal use*/
  private _selectedFiles: File[] = new Array<File>();
  /**Member variable which maintains the dragging state for internal use*/
  private _dragging = false;

  In order to maintain the state of whether the user is currently dragging a file
  over the file drop input in a cross-browser manner, we need to capture click events
  at the top-level container and disable pointer events on all child elements

   * Exposes whether the user is currently dragging a file over the component
  public get dragging(): boolean {
    return this._dragging;

  /**The files which are currently selected*/
  public get selectedFiles(): File[] {
    return this._selectedFiles;

  /**Tells whether or not any files are currently selected*/
  public get filesSelected(): boolean {
    return this.selectedFiles.length > 0;

  /**User-specified allowedExtensions as an array*/
  public get allowedExtensionsArray(): string[] {
    return this.allowedExtensions != null ? this.allowedExtensions.split(',') : null;

   * Adds to selectedFiles each valid provided file and rejects invalid files,
   * where validity is defined by whether the file conflicts with any
   * user-specified maxFileSize or allowedExtensions limitation.
   * For internal use by the component itself.
   * @param filesToSelect File array to iterate through for new Files to add
  selectFiles(filesToSelect: File[]) {
    const rejectedFiles = new Array<FileRejection>();

    // Clear out any previous selections
    if (this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
      this._selectedFiles = new Array<File>();

    filesToSelect.forEach(file => {
      // If a maxFileSize is specified and the file is too large, then reject it.
      if (this.maxFileSize != null && file.size > this.maxFileSize) {
        rejectedFiles.push(new FileRejection(file, RejectionReasons.FileSize));
      } else if (this.allowedExtensionsArray != null &&
        // If allowed extensions are specified and the file doesn't match an allowed extension, then reject it.
        this.allowedExtensionsArray.filter(extension =>`.${extension}`)).length === 0) {
        rejectedFiles.push(new FileRejection(file, RejectionReasons.FileType));
      } else {
        // If the file passes the validation checks, then add it to the selection array.


    if (rejectedFiles.length > 0) {

  /**Handles file selections from the file input by selecting
   * them within the component and clearing the input so that
   * the user can select more files if they'd like.
   * For internal use by the component itself.*/
  onChange(selectedFiles: Array<File>) {
    /*In order to account for the IE11 bug wherein the change event
    is fired when you programmatically clear a file input, we only
    want to handle this event when there were selected files.*/
    if (selectedFiles.length > 0) {
      this.fileInput.nativeElement.value = null;

  /**Clears the file selection and emits selectionChanged
   * with an empty array*/
  public clearSelection(): void {
    if (this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
      this._selectedFiles = new Array<File>();

  /**Handles the dragenter event by preventing the default action
   * and setting the dragging state to true.
   * For internal use by the component itself.*/
  onDragEnter(event) {

      this._dragging = true;

  /**Handles the dragleave event by setting the dragging state to false.
   * For internal use by the component itself.*/
  onDragLeave(event) {
      this._dragging = false;

  /**Prevents the default action for the dragover event.
   * For internal use by the component itself.*/
  onDragOver(event) {

  /**Handles the drop event by cancelling the browser's
   * default action, setting the dragging state to
   * false, and selecting the eligible dropped files.
   * For internal use by the component itself.*/
  onDrop(event) {
      // Tell the browser not to do its default thing
      // Reset the draging flag
      this._dragging = false;
      // Pass the dropped files to the file selection handler

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